Being an Entrepreneur is not meant to be overwhelming

Do, Say & Lead Like A Boss

Experience CONFIDENCE, CLARITY, and AMAZING BUSINESS RESULTS in just three months

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Take your business to the next level


Does this sound familiar?
Being my own boss will be the best!

I can work from home!

I can make my own hours!
I can do whatever I want!
In my sweats!
I am in charge!
I will have so much FREEDOM!
Then reality sets in, and you begin to wonder...
Are all the hours in my day going toward my business?

Wait, what exactly do I want?

When was the last time I even washed my clothes?
I am always tired, unfocussed and feel overwhelmed.
Is this to-do list ever going to end?
When is this freedom-thing going to happen?

I can sense an overwhelmed entrepreneur from a mile away

On the outside, it's all smiles and positive posts.

But, on the inside, you're drowning in to-dos and you feel like you can never catch your breath.

You need a better system in place to get everything done.

You feel like you are in a constant state of panic and overwhelm and you can never get ahead because you are still handling yesterday's emergency...

And, you have so many new ideas for your business, but you can't seem to get to them all because you're juggling too many day-to-day tasks.

In fact, when you're a new and growing entrepreneur you wear all the hats. You're the CEO, the graphic designer, customer support specialist, and the go-to person to put out all the fires.

You are the BOSS!

Being a new and growing entrepreneur can seem overwhelming, trust me, I KNOW!

Right now, if you're being honest with yourself, there are a lot of moments when you feel like being a new and growing entrepreneur downright SUCKS!

You spend hours every day putting out fires instead of working on your vision and mission for your business.

So you are ready to take your business to the next level. To grow, to expand, to be recognized for what you do. But, the truth is that something is missing. You thought that the hardest part of building a successful business was getting more sales - but now that you have stabilized your income, you have come to realize there’s a whole other part that was missing: managing your team and becoming a true leader. 

You've tried EVERYTHING

You've taken every course, you've read every self-help and business book, you've followed every Business guru's advice, BUT, you still feel REALLY OVERWHELMED!

You felt excited at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey, But the initial adrenaline has started to fade, and it has left a gaping hole of overwhelm.

Unfortunately, this has caused you to have a lot of self-doubts, fear, and impostor syndrome. 

Your business isn't making the kind of progress you expected, even with ALL your HARD WORK!

How can you be the boss, when it feels like everything else is the boss of you?


I look so calm and collected in this photo, but over 15 years ago, I took on a business that I didn't know completely how to lead. There I said it. I had to evolve at light speed and change and transform that business into the powerful company it is today. I eventually went on to oversee hundreds of Talent Development initiatives, I've trained and coached thousand and I and became a speaker at multiple events all over the Caribbean. 

I developed my own skills as a Leader and now I help others feel confident in their own role as the lead influencer in their business and life.

Are you ready to level up?

Because, believe me. There is another level. 

The thing is... being a new entrepreneur doesn't have to feel this way.

You can complete your to-do list and still have time to make it to that hot yoga class, grab a cup of coffee, and make it to date night.

I know this because I've been where you are but I didn't get stuck there.

I run two businesses and I help overwhelmed entrepreneurs like you gain balance, confidence and clarity.

I help overwhelmed entrepreneurs:

Like A Boss

Right now, you've amassed A LOT of info about what you should be doing. But you have no system in place to actually get up and do what you've been learning.

Guess what. You don't need another course. You need a system, I can give you that system.

I did Leah’s free strategy call and from then till now the rest is history. There has been a total transformation in my life. Leah helped me feel less overwhelmed by helping me create a system where I focussed on things such as goal setting and creating clarity in my life. With over 15 years of experience, Leah knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and she brings her real self to the programs. I thank Leah for being the coach in my life and guiding me through the hardest time of my life. Leah has exceeded my expectations by more than 1000%. Leah has held my hands and stood by my side 24/7. Leah is the right person to guide you from overwhelmed to boss status. When I do good, she feels good. She celebrates me, and I cannot thank her enough.
Fana N.
I was once the new kid on the block.

Over 15 years ago, I took on a business that I didn't know completely how to lead. There I said it. I had to evolve at light speed and change and transform that business into the powerful company it is today.

I eventually went on to oversee hundreds of Talent Development initiatives. I've trained and coached thousands, and I became a speaker at multiple events all over the Caribbean.

I developed my own skills as an Entrepreneur and now I help others create a system to gain confidence and clarity in their own role as an entrepreneur and business leader.

I have been full-time for a long time.

I have experienced no salary. I have failed. I have made mistakes, I have experienced feeling lost. I have been overwhelmed.

I can help you overcome the challenges all new and growing entrepreneurs face. I can help you fast-track the process. What you are currently going through, I have already faced.

Trust me, I get it.
This isn't copy and paste.
There's No Book
Struggling comes with the territory of being a new entrepreneur.

Like A Boss
You may not be able to tell others that you are struggling. But you can tell ME. Your coach. Your guide. It's time to transform not just your business but also the way you do business.
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Like A Boss
It's time to get support through a personalized coaching experience that's tailored to your specific needs so you can run a more profitable, sustainable, life-giving business and just straight up, more balanced life.

Like A Boss
Through hands-on 1:1 private coaching, we'll work together to intentionally design your business to match your definition of success and help you put a system in place to tackle the overwhelm.
Since my discovery call with Leah, I have not turned back. I just had ideas and Leah was able to put things in perspective and really help me drill down into the areas of my life that were lacking and making me feel overwhelmed. Leah held my hands throughout the entire process. Leah created a judgement-free zone and it helped me to know that I was not being criticized or judged. She’s been through what I went through. Trust me! Call Leah now! No matter what time. Day or night. Book that discovery call now! Trust Leah and trust the process.
Siobhan T.


12 (60-minute) 1:1 private virtual coaching sessions


So you have a partner-in-success at all times


Designed to solve your specific challenges and save you time.


So you get my expert eyes on what's most important to you


To help you make the connections that will most benefit you to help you live a life full of confidence and clarity


Uncover the blind spots that are keeping you stuck and the habits, skills and systems that are needed for you to be able to move forward in your business.

Understand where you want to be as a leader for your growing business and team. We will create what your new reality will look like.

We will develop your skill set in order to maximize your system, how you engage your team and your leadership communication.

We will focus on maintenance and dealing with curveballs in your new reality while increasing your confidence and results.
2020 has been a busy year for me, between my expanding job duties, running a non-profit, other volunteer work and being the guardian of an energetic pre-teen. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything that I had going on. I needed someone to help me figure out how to balance it all and that's when I got in touch with Leah. She helped me to figure out my priorities and come up with SMART goals for myself and my non-profit. She believed in me and encouraged me to go after some goals that I kept putting off. She pushed me out of my comfort zone, and it has been so good for me. Leah definitely knows what she is doing; her attention to detail and the personalized plan that we worked out together has been very helpful to me. I continue to use the tips and tools that she shared with me and would certainly recommend her to anyone who needs a coach. 
Odelia T.
are you ready?


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are you ready?


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hey there!

I’m Brittany Lake, I am an Intuitive Weight Loss Coach and Certified Energy Healer. I am also an ex yo-yo dieter, former food addict who transformed her life by losing over 70 lbs while eating what-ever she wanted. Now my greatest passion is liberating others from the diet mentality, reeducating them on how their body was designed to lose weight and increase their faith in beating this battle and living the life of their dreams.  I help my clients lose weight naturally and permanently by perfectly mixing intuitive eating, energy healing and mindset work. These tool will help break through the emotional eating and self-sabotage that’s been weighing them down and finally losing the extra weight once and for all - while enjoying a donut at the same time.