Fun fact about me – I’m a huge sci-fi fan.
I’ve watched all editions of Star Trek and Alien, I never get tired of The Matrix trilogy and Predator is my all-time favorite sci-fi character.
No surprise then that I’ve seen all the Terminator movies. The last one is debatable, but that's for another discussion forum.
Do you remember this guy?
I remember the first time I saw this sleek, super flexible, and seemingly hard to kill T-1000 (yes, he/it has a name). He was so determined. He had an objective and was programmed to achieve it. His goal was everything to him. There was literally nothing that could deter him.
While watching the latest Terminator movie, I got to thinking – what if we approached our goals in the same way?
No, I don’t mean that you should become a highly unethical and villainous character who stops at nothing to get your way. Did you really think I would encourage that?
I mean instead that we should have lazer sharp focus on what we need to achieve, be consistent in our efforts and continuously learn from our failed attempts.
So, what if we became Terminators for our goals?
Here’s what I’ve witnessed A LOT over the past 15 years as a corporate trainer and coach:
- People complain about what is not working e.g. they can't motivate or energize their team members, they can't get their employees to change certain behaviors, they can't seem to ditch habits that are keeping them away from their goals. Some people stay at #1.
- Others try 1 thing, usually the latest leadership fad or productivity hack or something from a best selling book. They try it with less than 100% commitment and with no strategy.
- They are inconsistent, they do not learn from their mistakes and they don’t ask for feedback.
- They don’t get the result they want.
- They go back to step one or repeat step 2 or they pass the problem to someone else or ‘send it out to the universe’ and hope it works itself out.
The sad thing is that a lot of people apply this mindset to many areas of their life: in their business, with their leadership style, at work, with their sales and marketing tactics, in their personal lives, with their nutrition and their exercise and with their over planning and execution strategies.
Eventually this mindset is a way of life and it’s hard to get out of the rut which has become their lives.
These same people eventually give up on anything that could be associated with goals – objectives, targets, New Year’s resolutions, plans, and dreams. And at this time of the year, I spot them quickly. They’re the ones always preaching, “I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. Those things don’t work.” or “I don’t set goals, I take it one day at a time. If it’s meant to be, it will be.”
Don’t get me wrong, they may have a business that does ok, have decent careers, and lead a good enough life.
Thing is, highly successful people never say or do these things. Because ‘decent’ and ‘good enough’ won’t cut it for them. Maybe some successful people don’t set resolutions, but I assure you, high achievers set goals and have a plan to achieve them.
They are working on their goals every single day. Not on a whim, but by design.
You can change your habits and your mindset.
It takes a solid strategy and dedicated work - not motivational fluff - and the outcome is so worth it.
Here are 5 things you can do from today:
- Write down 2-3 big things you want to get done in the next 12 months e.g. complete a course, buy a house, lose a certain amount of weight, change careers.
- Write all – and I mean all - the things will need to do to get the done.
- Transfer these things to a 12 month calendar.
- Write down all the things you will need to reduce or at least time control e.g. social media, tv, hobbies. Set a time limit for reach and put on calendar
- Write down all the things you need to say no to e.g. destructive habits, addictions. Get help if needed. Nothing to be ashamed of.
If you know you need help actually doing these 5 things – get a coach.
I’d be more than open to chatting with you on this. At no cost to you, sign up for a free Strategy Call with me so we can review where you are at now and where you know you can be.
I go through this process in seriously granular detail with my clients and give them the strategy and support to get it done.
So, sci-fi fan or not, let’s go out and be a Terminator for our goals. The results will be worth it!
As always, your success is at the heart and mind of everything that I do.
PS. If you’d like to go a little more in depth on your goal setting, then look out this week for my FREE Goal Crushing Guide. I was planning to share with only with current project clients, but it’s Christmas and it’s the season for sharing and uplifting others. I can’t keep this just for a few. Look out for it this week!
PPS. If you didn’t catch my Masterclass, you can catch it for free here. Click on 'Start Here'. If you are in a Leadership position or soon to be in one, you’d want to catch the free tips and advice. I go into much more detail than this blog about how the strategies the most successful Leaders are using to grow their business, engage their teams and have fulfilling lives.
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