Make your next team builder count!
Say the words ‘team builder’ and you’re likely to get either eyes rolling or some other negative response. Unless of course you mention free food and that they don’t have to come back to work.
During my 15 years in Talent Development, I've had the pleasure of delivering many team builders. I enjoy leading them when the objective is clear and aligned to strategic goals. But to be honest, let’s say that I’ve seen the great, the good and the ugly where team builders are concerned.
In fact, I got a request to lead one this week and had to decline as I’m away on vacation. As I have some extra free time, I couldn't help but think about the past ones I've done and what I've learned from them all.
If you’re short on time or attention – you can watch my Leadership Quick Tips video on how to make sure your next team builder hits the mark. It's under 3 minutes and I made it while in Grand Cayman. Yes, even on my time off I'm always thinking about everything Learning and Development, Talent Management and how to help people work smarter and better with each other.
Disclaimer – this is no filter, non pro video. It's just me on a beach talking to all the People Leaders out there.

Leadership Quick Tip - Team Builders
Ok, back to team builders.
Here are some reasons why they roll their eyes and groan when you mention those words:
- Nothing changed after the least team builder, so why should they pay attention to this one?
- People don’t really understand why they were there
- They knew they weren't addressing issues that would impact the team in a strategic way; even if it would be hard to face those issues (this one is major!)
- They wanted to 'just have fun'
- The People Leader was not present
- Inexperienced facilitator
These are the main ones and a lot of smaller problems come from these.
Given my position as an external consultant, there are times when I am given all relevant input and I've been able to design a stellar program.
As in the case of a team from of the world's largest energy multi nationals. The manager was open enough to admit that there were behaviours within the team that were holding back what she knew was her team's full potential. Even if she held responsibility for some of the 'bad ways', she was willing to face the mirror in order to push her team ahead. Without finger pointing and by staying focused on the goal, we were able to identify desirable and undesirable behaviours in the team. I then got the group to agree on which ones they would take forward and what would be any rewards and consequences around these behaviours. There was so much relief within the team at the end! We were able to set new team standards and even have a laugh around team members’ habits.
This is what I call a Strategic team builder.
At other times, a team session can be about bonding (building rapport and relationships with your team-mates) or celebrations (acknowledging a milestone or other success that was an identified target for the entire team).
Reasons why your team builder bomb
Here are some other reasons why team builders fell flat:
- The Leader does not share all relevant information with the Talent Development professional before the session.
- Poor organization (format, delivery, logistics, etc)
- It's not linked to strategic goals
- The Leader is not engaged
It’s critical to first determine what type of team builder you need:
- Bonding – building rapport and relationships
- Strategic – linked to an identifiable strategic goal
- Celebration – acknowledging an achievement or milestone
These 3 types of team sessions are critical for motivation, recognition and keeping momentum within a team. Every Leader should have each type on their calendar. The number of each depends on the dynamics and performance of the team.
Very often I've seen imbalance with these. For example, to increase performance or to solve a problem, a Leader may choose to only have bonding sessions. But these alone cannot solve performance issues. That's risky management.
So, how can you make sure you next team builder leaves everyone smiling?

Team Builder with The Office of the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago
Work with a Pro for the Strategic Team Builders
When I’m coaching Leaders, I get them ready to lead the Bonding and Celebration team builders. That’s part of their job. Strategic team builders require the expertise of an experienced Talent Development professional. There is science and structure behind what may appear to be group games and discussions; but a TD pro knows what she/he is doing and why and how this links to current and future work. The TD pro will also know what is the best in terms of design and delivery for the session.
Identify which type of Team Builder You Team Really Needs
Sure, we all just want to have drinks on a Friday afternoon and wish that this will solve all our team issues. News flash – it won’t!
If you truly care about your team, think about their performance and be honest about what they need over at least the next 3 months. Make sure you can actually link the team builder to the reason why and link this to your team goals.
Be Present and Put Down Your Defenses!
This is your time as a Leader to build your empathetic muscles, practice your listening skills and be open with your team. If you are committed to creating a sharing, innovative and solutions-oriented environment, then you will need to leave the “I am the boss, this is my show, and nothing is my fault’ mentality at the door.
A Team Builder is a Leader's Gold Mine
You next team builder is a powerful opportunity to connect with your people and to change the course of their performance - and ultimately yours.
If you want to know more about the strategies the most successful Leaders are using, watch my FREE Masterclass today. Follow the link and sign up at 'star here'. You can then watch anytime.
So are you up to the challenge?
Let me know how your next team builder goes. If you need any help, you know how to find me.
As always your success is at the heart and mind of everything that I do.