Whatever we're scrolling through on social media, music, what the people around us are talking about, the news, sights, smells, this email. 😉
You get the idea.
Every single day our brains are bombarded with information. Some of it we get to choose and some of it we don't.
In all my 3 new programs, the starting point is Mindset and Energy; or the M.E. as I call it. I do this to ensure that any of the further work we do on Leadership Communication, People Engagement, High Performance or Entrepreneurship is built on a strong foundation of powerful habits.
One of the things I focus on with clients early on is what they put into their heads.
Simply put, when it comes to your mind, you get from it what you put into it. If you're putting mostly mediocre stuff in, look forward to mediocre results. If you put in nothing new, creative, relevant, challenging, powerful, don't expect any of these attributes out of it.
Fortunately, if you're wiling to put in the work, there's A LOT you can do with all the steps that shape you into who you really are and can be.
But before I go ahead, I know some of you may be thinking:
Aren't we all experienced/mature/old enough to filter through the nonsense and only keep what we need?
This is wishful or ego thinking. Our brains don't work like that. And we know this instinctively. No wonder we are soooooooo protective about what our younger loves ones watch and listen to on the internet or on tv.
We (very well) know this input impacts mood, behaviour, decision making skills and ultimately results.
What did you think? That because we are adults we are no longer influenced by what's around us?
Hmmmmm. I rest my case.
 I've shared before apps you can install or may already have on your smart device. Be brave enough and track what you are spending time on.Â
If you notice 1 hour a day on Instagram and you are not an income earning IG specialist, then no wonder you have issues with procrastination, meeting deadlines and self-doubt.
Who do you follow online? What newsletters are you subscribed to? What radio stations do you listen to? What books do you read?
Analyze in detail the quality and the sources and the amount of each input. is the majority aligned to your goals and the lifestyle you want for yourself?
My latest YouTube video is about all the books I put into my head in January. I shared what I liked, didn't finish and what I'd recommend and why.

There's even a book giveaway competition!
Oh and if you're still fighting the 'I don't need to read to be successful/fulfilled/high achieving':
"In 2009, Carnegie Mellon scientists discovered that reading actually rewires the brain.
 Writing in the journal Neuron, the scientists found that reading increased the quality of white matter, the brain tissue that carries signals between areas of gray matter, where information is processed.
 By improving the "integrity" of the white matter, subjects were able to communicate better and express their ideas with more eloquence."
I'm not staying stop social media or 'ole talking' (chatting) with your colleagues. I am saying to make sure that if you have big goals and projects this year, then make sure that the majority of what goes into your head is supporting those projects.
Ok, looking forward to hearing what you put into your head in February!
As always, your success is at the heart and mind of everything that I do.