The Engaging Leader's Mindset and Energy

What Running a 5K has to do with Making Over $500K

The Engaging Leader's Mindset and Energy

I've done both and they are powerfully linked!

The Engaging Leader's Mindset and Energy

A few weeks ago, I ran my first ever 5K race. I’m not a runner and I didn’t train for the race. I was happy with my time of 33 minutes, although I think realistically this was about 30 minutes given the start meant bobbing and weaving in between persons who choose to walk the race. I was able to run a strong race because I am relatively fit. I do move (workout) on average 4 times a week, including on the weekend. So, my body and mind were prepared for at least 45 minutes of running.

Proof of participation. And yes, I am proud of coming in at position 508.

Ok, we get it Leah, you’re fit and you were able to run a 5K. Now get to the $500K part!

And that’s just the thing, everyone today wants to jump to the end. We want the fast fix to biggest bottom line. We want a #hack for everything, we prefer to read summaries than the actual book, we want instant everything, from oatmeal to an actual thriving business.

Well, you can hack some things, at least at the start – anyone can buy a camera and say they’re a photographer, anyone can buy a makeup brushes and call themselves an MUA, so certainly anyone can create a website and repeat the message and tactics of others.

But the truth is always in the pudding. What does that mean? Lots of people started the race with me, they bolted out at the start line and were ‘hot and heavy’, but they didn’t finish in 33 minutes.

Don’t get me wrong I’m all for good intentions, positive thinking, and dreaming big.

But the only thing that counts in the end are results. Can you consistently deliver to your customers and can you effectively lead your team?

It's all about M.E.

If you don’t Master the M.E. – the Mindset and Energy – you won’t be in it for the long haul and you won’t get results. It’s just that simple. You can have the best machines, the best employees, the best website, the best social media pages and they will give you a great start; but they won’t get you to $500K and over. And I’m proud to say that I’ve experienced the $500K and over and I’ve helped clients do it as well.

But before I focused on the money bag, I made powerful shifts in my growth mindset and energy.

I’ve been a Business Driver for 15 years and I have both the professional experience and expertise as well as the entrepreneurial ‘blood, sweat and tears’ to know that to win in business and life, I need to continuously build my mental strength.

The reason for this is that at the center of your business is…you!

Your Mindset and Energy is at the Core of Your Business' Success

Let me clarify.

This does not mean that your employees and your customers are not super important, and it does not mean either that you are some sort of dictator who needs tons of attention. Well, hopefully you didn’t think that’s what I meant.

As a Business Driver, and especially if you are an Entrepreneur, the source of energy, direction, and engagement comes from you.

You create the environment for your employees and customers to thrive in.

You create the Vision and you are Leader of both strategic and operational activities.

You are responsible to inspire, guide, develop and motivate your people. And you have to do all this while leading a fulfilling personal life as well.

I am not saying this makes you the most important person in your business – this is not about ranking, this is about ownership of responsibility.

Mental Strength is an Entrepreneur's Muscles

As the Business Driver, it is critical that you understand what it takes to ensure that you are fulfilled, that your batteries are regularly recharged and that you feel balanced, confident and focused.

As cited in We Forum, “a recent study by the University of San Francisco, found that approximately one half (49%) of entrepreneurs suffer from at least one form of mental health condition during their lifetimes. These include ADHD, bipolar disorder and a host of addictive disorders.

Freeman’s research has shown that start-up founders are:

- Twice as likely to suffer from depression

- Six times more likely to suffer from ADHD

- Three times more likely to suffer from substance abuse

- 10 times more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder

- Twice as likely to have a psychiatric hospitalisation

- Twice as likely to have suicidal thoughts”

Entrepreneurs, and by extension all Business Drivers, are also the most likely not to admit when they are struggling under the weight of their business.

How can they? They are the face of their brand. They are often forced to fake it until they make it or break it.

This is where the ‘Mastering the M.E’, as I call it, comes in. For some people this comes naturally, and for others I say make a list and check it twice.

Here are 5 Key (5K, get it?) actions you can take to build your leadership mindset and energy:

  1. Do a Mindset and Energy Audit

In my Leaders Who Engage program, I do a Mindset and Energy Audit where I cover 10 critical areas that support mental strength.

You can do a quick version on your own. List the areas in your life and business where you know you need to see improvements. These are areas that would have a the positive impact in your business and life if you were able to get a better handle on them.

If you don’t get help, they will continue to weight you down and distract you from accomplishing your full potential.

It’s also great to list out areas that you feel you are doing pretty well in. it’s always great to pat ourselves on the back!

2. I like to Move It, Move It!

So I probably gave away my age (if you didn't already see it above) by referencing a song that only people over x would know!

I don’t go to the gym. I don't have a gym body. I am not shredded or cut. Being physically active and fit has nothing to do with what your body looks like.

In a Psychology Today article  by Sarah Gingell Ph.D.,  it stated that “Psychiatrist Madhukar Trivedi, has shown that three or more sessions per week of aerobic exercise or resistance training, for 45 to 60 minutes per session, can help treat even chronic depression.

Effects tend to be noticed after about four weeks (which incidentally is how long neurogenesis takes), and training should be continued for 10-12 weeks for the greatest anti-depressant effect.”

While I have never had a study done on myself, I credit a life of high achievements and a strong mind to having started exercising regularly from the age of 17.

I don’t see it as a one off activity to achieve a certain look. It is not only something I enjoy, but I see it as a part of my weekly life. The key is to find a form of movement that truly resonates with you and do that, then it’s not only super easy to stick with it but you find yourself looking forward to it every day.

3. Ommmmm

Please don’t roll your eyes and laugh like I used to when meditation was brought up. For years I thought this was a little too ‘touchy feely’ or just too darn still for my temperament.

Every time I visited my masseuse (I’m a former spinal surgery survivor), she would recommend meditation. One day I decided to see what the hype was all about.

Game changer!

It’s one of things that until you try it you just don’t know. I will admit that I was a bit apprehensive about ‘stilling my mind’ cause I like being energetic, but it is the ultimate recharger.

After meditating, I feel incredibly refreshed and focused. There are some great meditition apps available. I personally use free resources on You Tube.

I also highly recommend the book ‘Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life.’ by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

4. Get Really Comfortable Saying No

One of my absolute favorite productivity coaches is Tracy Hensel. She often says “saying no to one thing is saying yes to another thing” and I could not agree with her more.

But first we have to know what to say no to and then we have to start doing it. Easier said than done!

And here’s why. We are each in a routine and even if many bits and pieces are not serving our goals, we’re accustomed to our routine. Saying no to some bits and pieces is hard e.g. not watching an hour of tv to exercise or read instead.

One of my no’s is turning off all notifications when working on an intense project such as a blog (they were off as I wrote this). It was a little scary when I looked at my phone after and saw tons of emails and messages, but also I said yes to creating an amazing 1800 word blog where I get to share my most valued tips with you.

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what to say no to or how to manage distractions, and I help my clients work through this in my program.

Quick tip: start small. Start with managing one distraction, e.g. only 30 minutes of You Tube per day instead on unlimited You Tube. I set a timer that tells me when 30 minutes have passed.

5. Ask For Help

You might be thinking that I need to promote my program, so I must tell you to ask for help.

Well, I’m saying it because in my 15 years as a Business Driver I actually cannot even recall how many times I have asked for help whether a quick question to an entrepreneur I admire or a program with a coach. They have call helped me become the Leader I am today and value their help along my way.

Through their support I've been able to build my Mindset and Energy to where they are today.

You are not 100% knowledgeable in 100% of the areas you need to be. So you do need help; it’s just to figure out where you need that support.

I have never understood why people don’t want to ask for help to get better – I mean, Roger Federer has a coach, Roger Federer! The most successful and highest paid professionals have or have had a coach at some point in their career.

The Leader's Mindset and Energy is at the Core of the Business

I really went in-depth on this topic for you because before we can even start to talk about things like Employee Engagement, Leadership Communication and Performance Management, I need to know that I am setting you up for success as a Leader.

I need to know that your Mindset and Energy are ready for you to be the most Engaging Leader you can be.

Master the M.E., harness the strength of your mindset and energy and you will be set to win any race you set for yourself.

If you’d like to learn more about how I get my clients to build an Engaging Leader’s Mindset and Energy, feel welcome to watch my FREE Masterclass or schedule a Discovery Call with me.

As always, your success is at the heart and mind of everything I do.


Leah Blue

Comments 2

  1. This was a really good article filled with lots of good advice. I’m not a business owner but I one day hope to become a successful entrepreneur. I really resonated with the points about doing a mindset energy audit and getting comfortable with saying no. I think that I am at a stage where I definitely need to do an audit, especially with the new year coming around. I also feel extremely uncomfortable and awkward saying no. I have difficulty telling myself no in terms of telling myself only 30 minutes of YouTube and sticking to it. I also definitely have a serious problem telling other people no. However, it is something that I am working at every day. All these tips would help entrepreneurs, but also help the individual develop their holistic self.

    1. Post

      Hi Chelsea! Great that you are so self aware already – this is step 1. don’t beat yourself up on what is not working. Start small on changing your habits and connect to your why. Why do you want to only watch 30 minutes of YouTube. If the why is not strong enough the brain will find a loop hole!

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